Job Summary

Starting Salary:   $8,173 - $14,490 per month

Job Description:   Reports to the Senior Vice President of Development for VIA’s service planning and scheduling functions. Responsible for divisional operations, including prioritization of major work assignments. Prepares of the division’s manpower and budget activities for review by the Senior VP. Organizes, directs, and monitors the work in Service Planning and Service Scheduling Departments. Supervises and directs the activities of the managers of service planning and service scheduling. Responsible for VIA’s annual and five-year transit service plans, triannual transit service changes and annual National Transit Database (NTD) and transit performance reports. Coordinates the Keep SA Moving (KSAM) project integration, Long Range Comprehensive Strategic Plan (and updates), and High-Capacity Transit Corridor planning with the Planning and Development Group.

Education and Experience:   Bachelors in Business Administration, Planning, Engineering, Economics, Finance, Transportation, or related field and at least 7 years of applicable work experience in transit and transportation planning/scheduling, or an equivalent combination. This experience must include 3 years of management experience, including direct supervisory experience.

 Closing Date:  07/04/2022

VIA Metropolitan Transit is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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