Job Summary

Starting Salary:   $5,315 - $9,155 per month

Job Description:   Serves as Lead for the Employee Services and Benefits Department in the development and execution of the health and flex program initiatives. The Senior Benefits Specialist serves as the primary liaison between employees/retirees and insurance companies. Provides executive assistance to the Manager of Employee Services and Benefits in developing policies that promote cost containment, employee wellness, and program sustainability as well as planning, organizing, and implementing Employee Services and Benefits activities. Serves on project teams as an insurance expert, and frequently reviews company policies to determine new and shifting insurance needs. Recommends new company insurance policies and keeps track of important policy details which affect benefit guidelines and reporting. Provides statistical and analytical analysis related to claims to assist with the development of future benefit plan design, cost effectiveness and efficiency, and cost saving opportunities. Works closely with the Wellness Coordinator to ensure health and wellness initiatives align with targeted areas of concern under the health program. Services as the HIPPA Privacy Officer and as such, establishes privacy policies and monitors regulatory compliance, and conducts annual risk assessment.

Education and Experience:   Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources, Business Administration, Health, or related field, and at least three years of experience related to administering benefit or wellness programs or an acceptable combination. Experience in supervising various insurance and employee wellness programs, analyzing benefit programs and conducting annual open enrollments would be desirable.

 Closing Date:  05/25/2021

VIA Metropolitan Transit is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
ver 2022.111.1