Job Summary

Starting Salary:   $6,225 - $10,673 per month

Job Description:   Plans, organizes, schedules and controls the development of computer and web application programs. Assigns, directs and coordinates the work of the programming staff. Establishes standards and goals for application and program design, program development, testing and implementation. Reviews and evaluates the work of the programming staff and prepares periodic performance reports. Provides technical support and training for the programming staff and may develop and write system and application programs. Is responsible for installation and maintenance of system and application development software.

Education and Experience:   College degree in Business Administration, Computer Science, or related field with 3 or more years of experience in applications design and programming on the applicable computer systems and software, or a equivalent combination.

 Closing Date:  10/04/2019

VIA Metropolitan Transit is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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