Job Summary

Starting Salary:   $5,789 - $10,034 per month

Job Description:   Responsible for leading project management efforts in the division of Technology and Innovation. Responsible for leading all aspects of VIA’s innovation projects from initial concept to implementation. Works with various business divisions to finalize requirements, develop project plans and work with staff to create and implement technical designs for applications and digital initiatives. Responsible for creating processes that help develop VIA’s forward-looking approach to ensure VIA is a leader in providing solutions to help our customers move effectively throughout the greater San Antonio metropolitan area. The role will support the VP of Technology and Innovation in executing transformative innovative services for improving customer experience.

Education and Experience:   Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, finance, accounting, economics, or business administration or related discipline with a minimum of 5 years’ experience in project management and/or administration or an equivalent combination of education or experience.

 Closing Date:  09/19/2022

VIA Metropolitan Transit is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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